a Know the Known: History Repeats Itself

Monday, April 2, 2012

History Repeats Itself

I was going through the newspaper a few days back and I was surprised to read that an unemployed Chinese turned to a millionaire when he borrowed money from the bank to trade in 100 tons of garlic. To my surprise he made a profit of 125%…Wow!!! so is this a better investment than gold ? My answer is YES!…
Reasons: the demand for vegetables tends to be inelastic which means whatever happens to your income there will be a negligible impact on the amount you spend on food items. The second reason which I want to bring to your knowledge is that what exactly happened in the 1930′s “Great Depression”. There was a transition in an economy , a clear shift from the agriculture sector to the manufacturing sector and then in the 90′s when the Asian stock markets (known as the tiger economies) declined there was a shift from manufacturing to service industry. So what will happen now? Is there another sector left to exploit ?NO…The present scenario suggests that most of the non-oil producing countries will gradually shift to the traditional industry – YES the agricultural industry. Russia which is currently experiencing negative growth asked its steel workers to start potato cultivation on state owned lands. China is providing its farmers with cheap credit so that they can afford luxuries in order to encourage agricultural production, and EU pays excessive subsidies (under the Common Agricultural Policy) to its farmers. Agriculture sector will further grow due to increase in investments made by Saudi Arabia in Australian lands for crops and many other Non-Agricultural industries are investing in countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh and etc.
More importantly this will also serve to the basic need of every human being and that is to live in an environment free from carbon, but nevertheless it will have drawbacks attached to it.

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