a Know the Known: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

Monday, April 16, 2012

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

Recep Tayyib Erdogan was elected as the prime minister of Turkey in 2003.  He graduated in 1981 from Marmara University's Faculty of Economics and Commercial Sciences.

In the current scenario, when the Balkan economy is severely hit by European debt crisis, the Turkish economy dominates and is part of the G-20, being the 16th largest economy. Erdogan helped Turkey to enter in to collaboration with world economies. Moreover, his team added spiritual strength to the Turkish economy by adding value to the currency, not only by dropping the additional zeroes and giving it a new identity (i.e. an anchor which depicts support) but by making the people realize the value of Turkish Lira in their wallets who earlier would go to foreign exchanges.

Erdogan has also been known as a diplomatic dynamo by various intellects. Be it any issue in the Middle East starting from Palestine to Syria to Iran, Turkey's input to it matters. During his tenure, the Turkish improved their economic and political dies with the arch-rivals Greece. Trade with Saudi Arabia continues to increase over time. The support towards the calamity-struck nations is highly appreciable. Not only the public has contributed towards the social causes but the ruling elite has actively led it from the front.

On basis of my brief analysis, it can be concluded that good governance can solve various issues ranging from geo-political to social to foreign policy. The Turkish model is definitely worth a look.

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