a Know the Known: US default 'extremely unlikely'

Monday, October 7, 2013

US default 'extremely unlikely'

Before we go deep into the mess, it is important to highlight the difference between a shutdown and debt crisis. In simple terms, in a shutdown, the government lacks the legal authority to spend money on non-essential services. In a debt crisis, the government is mandated to spend money — but doesn't have the legal authority to borrow the money to spend it.
What happens if the debt crisis occur (post 17th October) ? - A Default!
U.S. will certainly default if it does not pay its bills on time or the debt ceiling is not raised. Ahan - then the debt ceiling should be our discussion as it is the only temporary, please note, -TEMPORARY life line. If the US does not raise its USD 16.7 trillion debt ceiling "temporarily" by October 17, the country will default on its debt.

What US could potentially do:

The most extraordinary measure the government could take and that is to exhaust its cash. It is expected that the U.S. will have about $30 billion in cash, which will be short of expenditures that can reach as high as $60 billion in subsequent days. This is dangerously low level of cash in the bag.

The US government could use all their tax revenues to meet their interest payments on debt and roll-over the existing debt. They will have to take extreme measures such as cuts in public spending (healthcare programs) and defense spending. This will attract a lot of repercussion from the public, but it has to happen one day, then why not today!
President Obama is left with no option but to kill the fly

Even if the Congress decides to raise the debt limit, the republicans will be looking  for some very critical areas, prior to the approval, such as cuts in government spending, reducing the impact of Obamacare and no new taxes. They will keep their focus limited to the spending. An ice-break could prevent:
- Sliding US Dollar
- China catching the cold; biggest buyer of US debt
- America gets downgraded again!
- Banking industry getting banged
- Army pull-out

You are broke because you have overspent, and a correction is required not delay. Again, in simple words - Open the government and pay your bills.
Forgive me for using the word "Temporary" temporarily and wish not to use this again in near future.

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